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Before being generated templates must be previously registered with one of the following procedures: RegisterFileTemplate, RegisterStringTemplate.

During template generation, contents of the template files or template strings are analyzed. Each time a string sourounded by '@' is found it is considered as a tag, evaluated and replaced by its value. To insert a true '@' it must be doubled. All text following '##' is droped until the end of line.

Tag grammar :

tag = NUMBER | STRING | var | call


call = IDENTIFIER '(' param-list ')'

param-list = empty | tag { ',' tag }

NUMBER = like pascal numbers

IDENTIFIER = like pascal identifiers

STRING = like pascal strings

If a variable that does not exist is used the OnTag method of the application is called. For a function that does not exist is the OnCall method is called.

For a template example see 'testfuncs.pas'.